We Dry Faster
12 Step Drying Process
We Dry faster
The Sunshine Restoration Process
Our goal is to dry your structure as quickly as possible with the least amount of removal of affected materials as possible. But we will need your help. Please read through to understand the process thoroughly.
12 Steps
Water Damage Restoration
Evaluate Safety Concerns - Electrical and Slip hazards, ETC
Job Documentation - Extensive Pictures and job documentation
Extract Standing Water - The more what that can be extracted from the home the quicker it will dry. This sounds obvious, but a lot can be left behind through improper extraction.
Moisture Inspection - Using moisture meters and thermal imaging if needed we locate a perimeter marking wet areas with painter’s tape.
Protect Contents - Initially this could involve moving furniture and tabbing and blocking furniture to get it up off wet flooring.
Evaluate Damage - An educated decision needs to be made on whether we dry materials in place or remove them. This is not always done on the first day of the loss. Factors that play into this decision include the source of the water, was it clean or dirty? The length of time wet, are mold and bacteria a factor. The level of saturation & obstacles to drying, are all determining factors.
Set Up Drying Equipment - Using industry leading technology we will place equipment in the home with the goal to dry as much in place as possible assuming it can be done by the above criteria.
Monitor Drying Process Daily - We need to monitor the process daily to ensure the drying process is moving along properly. Depending on the drying equipment used the goal is to keep the drying chamber at about 90 degrees for the first 24-48 Hours then reduce temperatures to 75 degrees for maximum speed drying. All equipment must be left on 24 hours a day, or the process will take longer.
Pack Up/Move Contents if needed
Schedule DEMO if Needed
Clean Affected Area if needed
Final Inspection & Remove Equipment